Huff & Puff and Blow the Blog Down!

It took a while — longer than anticipated — but if you think herding cats is difficult, try herding MONSTERS!

The new and improved Candy’s Monsters site is up and running. Sure there will be some tweaking in the coming weeks, but the skeleton is up, the blog is alive and there are plenty of wild creatures roaming on the site.

Monsters Meditations are Back

My bi-weekly blog posts are back. I’m looking forward to sharing “monstrous” observations on writing and a few monsters too!

FREE Fiction for All

The free fiction page will offer three short stories at a time. I’ll switch them out sporadically and may replace one with a serialized novella before the end of the year. Everything is up in the air and up for grabs — with menacing claws and sharpened teeth!

Bookstore Pages

The bookstore page should make it easy for you to devour the Candy’s Monsters series — including the newest in the series ‘The Strange Case of Dr. Hyde and Her Friends.’ It’s a romantic suspense novella inspired by the classic Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde. You’ll also find anthologies that include my short stories and all sorts of books in the future.

Vanity is Gone, So What’s Coming Soon?

I’ve checked my hesitancy and vanity at the door — with lots of photos of me. I’m seriously camera shy so this was an effort, but oddly enough the silly pictures are turning out to be my favorites. You’ll find them all over the site. Behind the crystal ball on the Coming Soon page, I’ll announce all sorts of things including a contest that is still in the planning stages.

Huff & Puff and make way for the new MONSTER site!



    • Candy Korman

      I hope everybody enjoys the new look, new features AND FREE short stories!
      Thanks for being the first to give the new site a try…

    • Candy Korman

      Feels that way to me too, but I hope the major changes are worth the delay. Please roam around and check out the new site.

  1. What a Great Looking Blog Candy. It’s uber smart. The font makes me thing of Tales of the Unexpected on Saturday Night TV when I was younger ( MUCH younger).
    Love the new look !
    xxx Huge Hugs xxx

    • Candy Korman

      The inspiration was vintage vaudeville posters — with a dash of “creature features” (the films shown on TV when I was growing up). LOL…Glad you like it!

    • Candy Korman

      Very happy that you like it!
      I hope you’ll check out the new features. It’s still a work-in-progress, but I hope that the FREE Fiction pages will entice more visitors to return, comment, check out my books and most of all — have some fun with the MONSTERS!

  2. The site is absolutely gorgeous, Candy! I love the look and feel of it. As David said, it is a bit like stepping back in time, but in all the right ways. 😀

    As another camera shy person, I applaud your courage – the end result is wonderful. Bravo to you, and to your designer!


    • Candy Korman

      Thanks! I will tell the designer. I think he deserves a great deal of praise, as does the photographer. She enabled me to feel less inhibited. I got lessons in how to relax and make faces.

    • Candy Korman

      In stride? Hahahahaha….. I was a wreck.
      But the shoemaker’s kids have holes in their soles, so the longer it took to get done the more I know it was going to be worthwhile once it was up. Still a few details to tackle and I’m not a technical person, but…

      I really missed blogging for a couple of weeks at the end. True! I really missed it.