Lift Off…

Blogging while I travel?

Yes! And maybe no, too.

As the plane lifted off, I pondered what travel means to me. New places, new people, reconnecting with old friends, revisiting places I adore and seeing something new in them… Add some great ART, good food, excellent wine, and Tango to the mix and it’s the perfect trip.

It’s also a source of inspiration. Travel changes us. It shakes things up!

I decided to shake things very hard, so the for the first couple of days in The Netherlands I didn’t use my computer. Shocking! No Twitter, no Facebook, no Google searches… And I survived! My trip has just begun and I’ll check in more as my ‘return to reality’ date approaches, but this trip is full of promise and it’s whispering, ‘what’s next?’

Flying out of Newark…


  1. Half your luck! lol Have a great trip and expand those horizons. Oh and take lots of photos. Anything else? Oh yes, eat and blog full menus please. 😀

    • Candy Korman

      Maybe I should do a blog post on inspiring food? I just had a lovely dinner at an Afghan restaurant. Nijmegen, as much of the Netherlands, is an international foodie paradise.