Year Ending…

2017 was one hell of a year!


The world went crazy on so many levels that it is hard to recount without a large drink at hand and the feeling that Orwell, Poe, & Kafka are the ghosts haunting us all.

My personal journey was rocky, but I’m ending the year on a good note. My broken wrist is healing. I’ve adopted two extraordinary (insane, infuriating, charming, clever, ridiculous) black cats, and my campaign to win their affection plods along. I’m planning to volunteer more of my time in 2018. And I’m refocusing on writing fiction and on how to be strategic & selective in my choices of freelance work.

If all goes well, the long-planned fifth Candy’s Monsters novella will be e-published before the end of 2018, plus new short stories on this site and, possibly, in an e-book collection. Two novels are in rewrite mode, other ideas are bubbling, and all of that will take time.

Life is full of plans and unplanned adventures. I hope you all have a happy & healthy holiday season and that the New Year brings renewed enthusiasm for your passions, good times with old friends, exciting new people, and that weird balance between contentment & ambition to strive for more.

This is the final Monster Meditation of 2017. It’s been a wild ride! See you in the New Year…

2017 is finally wrapping up. Time to reflect & plan…


  1. It certainly has been a wild ride. I’d be looking forward to 2018 if not for the fear that the ride isn’t over yet. Still, there have been a lot of small positives this year and it’s good to remember those as well.
    I’m glad your writing is getting back into gear and I /am/ looking forward to a new Monster in your stable.
    Stay healthy and safe. -hugs-