When You Talk to Yourself

When you talk to yourself, what do you say? Lately, I’ve been saying that it’s time to reboot the Candy’s Monsters Blog. Yes, I’m working my way back from the brink. The brink? Not really. It’s more that I’ve been consumed by the renovation project; and then consumed by the distractions that keep me sane, in the face of that overwhelming project.

         I’ve told myself it’s time and then…I’ve paused again.

         When I get back to regular blogging it may be different—because I’m different. The world is different, too. And I think we’re all talking to ourselves with new voices, new priorities and new plans.

         What do you say when you talk to yourself?

         I’m curious. Tell me.

         Most of the time, I’m simply telling myself that everything is going to be Okay. That the renovation will be completed, the crew will leave the premises, the cats will feel secure in their new home, and that I will start the next chapter of my life in a wonderful new place to live. When I’m not assuring myself that everything is fine, I’m ruminating on all the difficulties and disappointments. It’s an interesting dialog between the YES, almost at the finish line happy voice and the here we go again, another delay, another confusion, another chapter in this endless saga…nothing is ever done.

         That’s why I’m curious about internal monologues/dialogs. In a sense, we are all narrators of first-person stories. Are you narrating a comedy, a family saga, a suspense thriller or and how-to book?

         A recent exchange with the architects brought this question out in bright lights. In the plans, they had door locks on both entrances to the bathroom. It’s SOP. They asked for my preferences; and I had to pause. I declined the locks because I could come up with only three reasons, I’d lock myself in the bathroom of my own home. And one of the three was a Zombie apocalypse. The other two reasons are drawn from my steady diet of mystery and suspense fiction and are only slightly less likely than the Zombies. Any reasonable quest can assume that bathroom shared with cats will have an open door when not in use. I will not invite unreasonable guests. That’s what I’m talking about when I talk to myself

         What are YOU saying? Please share!

My New York City water tower view.